July Weekly Holidays


There are several weekly celebrations in the month of July. There are local and state festivals galore, and you will have no problems keeping busy. Here are some of the National, World, and International observations that take place this month. We start out strong with Clean Beaches Week, and with just a little bit of help from everyone to keep their areas clean and pick up a bit of extra our beaches can be completely transformed.

Week two boasts Creative Maladjustment Week, which celebrates the crazy in us all while educating the general public about what psychiatric disorders really are. Take time to celebrate this week and let your freak flag fly high.

Week three boasts several great occurrences from capture the sunset week to Everybody Deserves a Massage Week. Show your local Zookeepers some love and educate yourself about Captive Nations.

Week Four is Women in Baseball Week, and if you know nothing about these great women, take some time to read up on them or just watch “A League of Their Own”.

There are plenty of other week long celebrations this month, to have some fun and get celebrating in your own unique way.

Week One

Week Two

Week Three


Week Four

July Daily Holidays
July Monthly Holidays