- Accordion Awareness Month
- Adopt a Cat Month
- Adopt a Shelter Cat Month
- African American Music Appreciation Month
- Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
- Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS) Awareness Month
- Aphasia Awareness Month
- Audio Book Appreciation Month
- Bathroom Reading Month
- Beautiful in Your Skin Month
- Black Music Month
- California Avocado Month
- Camping Month
- Cancer from the Sun Month
- Candy Month
- Caribbean-American Heritage Month
- Cataract Awareness Month
- Celibacy Awareness Month
- Child Vision Awareness Month
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Children’s Awareness Month
- Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month
- Country Cooking Month
- Dairy Alternatives Month
- Dairy Month
- Dementia Care Professionals Month
- Effective Communications Month
- Entrepreneurs “Do It Yourself” Marketing Month
- Fashion in Colonial Virginia Month
- Fight the Filthy Fly Month
- Fireworks Safety Month
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
- Gay Pride Month
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Book Month
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Pride Month
- Georgia Blueberry Month
- Great Outdoors Month
- Hydranencephaly Awareness Month
- Iced Tea Month
- Infertility Month
- Lane Courtesy Month
- Men’s Health Month
- Migraine and Headache Awareness Month
- Oceans Month
- Oral Health Month
- Papaya Month
- Perennial Gardening Month
- Pet Preparedness Month
- Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism Month
- Pollinator Month
- Potty Training Awareness Month
- Professional Wellness Month
- PTSD Awareness Month
- Rebuild Your Life Month
- Rivers Month
- Rose Month
- Safety Month
- Scleroderma Awareness Month
- Sclerosis Awareness Month
- Skyscraper Month
- Smile Month
- Sorghum Month
- Soul Food Month
- Sponge Month
- Sports America Kids Month
- Steakhouse Month
- Student Safety Month
- Surf Music Month
- Turkey Lovers Month
- Vision Research Month
- Women’s Golf Month
- Zoo and Aquarium Month
June Daily Holidays
June Weekly Holidays